• the dam before the tragedy - archive photo (courtesy fondazione vajont)
  • the vajont dam/line - photo giacomo de donà
  • nuovo spazio di casso and the landslide - photo giacomo de donà
  • the dam framed - photo giacomo de donà

It is possible, for the artists interested in the Contest, to take part in a survey of the Spazio in Casso and of the crowning of the Vajont Dam.
The guided visits of the Dam’s crowning are handled in collaboration with the Dolomiti Friulane Nature Park and with Erto and Casso’s Pro Loco*

The visits are available in the following days:
-   July: every Saturday and Sunday, from 10 am  to 5 pm, every half hour;
-   August: every day, from 10 am  to 5 pm, every half hour;
-   September/october: on sundays visits from 10 am to 5 pm, starting every half hour (duration: 40 minutes).

On September 28, on the occasion of the
marcia della memoria, you must check if the guided tours are confirmed.

Other visits during the week must be agreed in advance with our staff  with proper notice.

To take part in a visit, it is necessary to make arrangements with the organization (DC), sending name and estimated hour at least two days in advance.
Send your emails at: info@twocalls.net

*in Italy, a “pro loco” is an association promoting local culture and tourism.

è possibile per gli artisti interessati al Concorso effettuare un sopralluogo allo spazio di casso e al coronamento della diga del vajont.
Le visite guidate al coronamento della Diga sono gestite in collaborazione con il Parco Naturale Dolomiti Friulane e dalla Pro Loco di Erto e Casso

Esse sono effettuabili in questi giorni:
-   mese di luglio: tutti i sabati e le domeniche, dalle ore 10.00 alle ore 17.00, ogni mezz’ora;
-   mese di agosto: ogni giorno, dalle ore 10.00 alle ore 17.00, ogni mezz’ora;
-   mesi di settembre-ottobre: la domenica, dalle 10.00 alle 17.00, in partenza ogni mezz’ora (durata 40 minuti).
Il 28 settembre, in occasione della Marcia della Memoria, è necessario verificare anticipatamente se il servizio è confermato.
Altre visite durante la settimana devono essere concordate in anticipo con lo staff dando un giusto preavviso.

Per prendere parte ad una visita, è necessario coordinarsi con l’organizzazione (DC), inviando almeno due giorni prima il proprio nominativo e l’orario previsto.
Scrivere a info@twocalls.net




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The Exhibition “Ritratti” (Portraits) by Monica Biancardi opens today at Museo di Roma in Trastevere.

Here can be found also the faces and the hands of some of the people of Casso, portrayed by the artist during her period of residence at Dolomiti Contemporanee (summer 2014), when she worked at her own project for the international artistic contest two calls for vajont.

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On Monday, June the 19th 2017, Deborah Serracchiani, president of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region, came here, in the Vajont area.

She first visited the dam, together with the mayors, the vice president Bolzonello, and the people in charge of the enel plant.

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the nuovo spazio di casso will be open in July, from Thursday to Sunday, from 10 am to 12:30 pm and from 2:30 pm to 7:00 pm.

there, visitors will find an exhibit displaying a selection of the projects showcased in the international artistic contest twocalls for vajont.

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